Category Archives: teen writers

Calling all YA Writers


I thought I’d take Robert Lee Brewer’s advice, as his challenge for Day 10 was to include a call to action. I’m hoping to connect with fellow young adult writers, including writers who are currently young adults. I hope to create a community here, where we can help each other by sharing resources and advice, possibly even coordinating workshops where we can read and comment on each other’s writing. I’m also in the process of searching for an agent for CHILDREN IN THE HOUSE OF VENGEANCE, so let’s exchange stories–success stories and soon-to-experience-success stories. We’ll inspire and support each other. If this sounds good to you, comment below or send me a message here.

Real Advice for Teen Writers


I came across this and thought I’d share it for all writers who also happen to be teens. Of course, the advice applies to all of us. Without a doubt, we were all once teens, and many of us were also teen writers.

From the Oct. 9 Sound Skeins at Grub – Claim Your Space at the Writing Table:

“This is a special teen-focused edition of Sound Skeins. If you’re a teen artist who’s felt a little behind or under-supported in developing your craft, with a little grit and tenacity, you can make your way! Claim your space at the writing table.  Get a little advice and inspiration from writer-teachers Jennifer DeLeon and KL Pereira.”

Listen here: